"Write the vision and make it plain,
so that those that come after you may run with it."Habakkuk 2:2
Hey Entrepreneurs!
I'm SO happy that you've made your way to finally find me!!
Yeahhh, I just KNEW you would show up one day! We've literally been waiting on you.
Chances are, you're here for 1 of 5 reasons...​
1) YOU'RE OVERWHELMED. You've been running a business for years, and you've finally gotten to the point that you're overwhelmed, tired and on top of that you're unorganized.
2) YOU'RE UNORGANIZED. The fact that you're unorganized, means that your business operations are a whole hot mess, which means that your team is a mess too, OR you can't retain a team at all.
3) YOUR TEAM IS A MESS. Since your team is a mess, you find yourself working IN your business everyday. Which means NO family time, NO vacations, NO days off. And you don't trust anyone to run your business FOR YOU, because you've never created Operational Systems or DOCUMENTED YOUR PROCESSES...
4) YOU NEED FREEDOM. So someone said "you KNOW you need to talk to Connie S. Falls, because the S is for SYSTEMS"! And you grabbed your phone to Google me and said "Yep. That's EXACTLY what I need. Because I need Systems so that I can be FREEEEEEEEE to enjoy life as an business OWNER and not just an Entrepreneur/Employee of my business". Which is prooobably why you started this business to begin with, right?
5) YOU THINK I'M CUTE. Which is understandable. But THIS page is about business (DM me tho ;-)
SO! No matter which one of these that brought you on the search for Systems, you're here!
And our goal is to make sure that your business is well taken care of with Operational Systems and your mind is organized.
Who Do We Serve?
We serve established business owners, that need the
Generational Documentation to create Generational Wealth, Scale and Retain & Train Talent.
We also have a special place in our hearts for
Women, Minorities & Veterans.

How Do We Serve?
We offer 3 primary products and services:
1) Book & Ebook
2) Systems in a Day Workshop
3) Operational Systems Development
Below you will find all of the information necessary about each service.
Welcome to our Products & Services!
Brad J.
This book is definitely the blueprint and has been very helpful!!

S. Johnson
I had to purchase the book to fully understand the term "SYSTEMS" when it came to running a successful business. I wanted a full understanding. I read the book cover to cover twice. I even completed the directives given in the book. Now I find myself sharing the author's info with budding entrepreneurs, who's businesses are in disarray but trying hard to make it work
Just DKor Events
Thank you Connie for sharing your wisdom and knowledge. I recommend this to all business owners or entrepreneurs new and already established
Are you doing ALL the work yourself? Is wearing all the hats in your business turning your brain into SCRAMBLED EGGS?
If you’re like most people, you want to lead a life of significance, joy, and satisfaction.
But stuff happens. Urgent deadlines, family commitments, and that constant sense of being busy crowds our days, and it’s easy to feel overwhelmed.
We know we were meant for more, but it seems like the days are slipping by and we can’t do anything about it.
Business Development Consultant, Connie S. Falls has lived the very same story but decided to rewrite the ending. And in this book, Scrambled Eggs: The Must Have Playbook to Organizing an Entrepreneurs Brain, she will show you exactly how to do the same thing.
In this step-by-step guide, Connie will share simple but proven principles to help you stop drifting, Systematize your business, and chart a path that will unscramble your brain. And you can start the process in just one day.
Within 24 hours of reading this book, you can be moving down a clear path toward the business you want and the organization you need. It’s possible, and Scrambled Eggs shows you how.
Systems in a Day Live WORKshop
If you're feeling overwhelmed in your business and don't have any:
✔ Operations Documents
✔ Standard Operating Procedures
✔ Polices
✔ Processes
✔ Checklists
Then YOU need to be at SYSTEMS in a Day Virtual WORKshop!
You will be creating the foundation of your business LIVE. Policies, Processes and Procedures. HOW your business is run. And we are doing it during this crisis. Because when it’s over and everyone is ready to spend money, you need to have SYSTEMS in place to handle it.

The creative process of generating, developing, and communicating new ideas.
Capacity to complete assigned tasks and responsibilities within a certain timeframe.
A plan of action or policy designed to achieve a major or overall aim.
Most businesses, in their current state, couldn’t even HANDLE an influx of new clients OR hire a team to help, because there are no SYSTEMS in place.
Stop playing with your business like it’s a game.
Let’s get to WORK. You say you want to create generational wealth, well you HAVE TO HAVE SYSTEMS in place for that to be true.

Operational Systems Development
Let’s be real ... as a business owner, you KNOW how to run your
business. You have the marketing and sales thing down. Clients are rolling through the doors on a regular basis.
And the bank account is sitting lovely.
BUT, here’s what’s not so sweet ...
The early mornings, late nights and weekends you sacrifice to build and sustain your 6-figure empire.
The random processes you’ve been stringing together on the fly to close sales and serve your clients and customers.
The “where did that go, oops, I can’t find that” back and forth you have to go through every time you want to onboard a customer or client or execute a business procedure.
Since we’re keeping it real, I’ll just go ahead and say it:
Your unorganized clutter was cool when you were climbing to hit that first $100,000 BUT it’s a roadblock now that you’re climbing to hit that half-million-revenue mark.
If any of this sounds familiar, feel free to apply for our Done For You,
Operational Systems Development Service.
What is Included
in the Systems Development Process?
Our Systems Development Process, takes you through the journey of having a fully systematized business. We do this through a series of hundreds of questions, over 3 months. We take the information and create the workflows and processes for your company to be sustainable with a well trained team.
1:1 support and coaching from Connie S. Falls
CEO Coaching Call
Discovery Call with Connie S. Falls & ELG Team
Client Dashboard
Client Expectations review
Account set-up
GAP Analysis Call [1hr]
SWOT Analysis
[Deliverable] GAP Analysis Report
GAP Analysis Report Review & Policies Call [2hr]
[Deliverable] Org Chart
[Deliverable] Job descriptions
[Deliverable] Policies
Process & Procedure Call [2hr]
[Deliverable] Process creation/review/updates
[Deliverable] Procedures review creation/review/updates
[Deliverable] Standard Operating Procedures creation/review/updates
Project Check-In Call with Connie S. Falls & ELG Team [30 min]
Trainual Introduction Video
[Deliverable] Complete Policies, Procedures and SOPs uploaded to Trainual account
Trainual Roll Out Call [1hr]
[Deliverable] Trainual 3 week review plan
[Deliverable] Trainual Roll out plan
Completion & Celebration Call [30 min]
Trainual Accountability Call [30 min]
Continued System Support
Optional services: Tools/Automation & HR Support (Optional)

We take pride in making sure that our clients (turned family) are extremely pleased with our services. Click the link below to hear some of our testimonials about all of our services!

Yes. We Look Like Superheroes.
That's Because we aARE!

Meet the Team!
Connie S. Falls
Lead Business Development Consultant
With 16 years of creating Operational Systems, my role is now to coach, educate and consult small-medium sized business.
Stepfanie B.
Systems Strategist
With close to 5 years of experience in the virtual assistant and project management role, my goal is to give you the BEST Client experience as we create your Systems!

Message from Connie
Hey Entrepreneurs! I just wanted to say "Thank You".
Thank you for taking the time to acknowledge how important your legacy is to your family, our community, and yourself.
I know that Operational Systems is a new term for many of you in business, but it's the only way that the business that you worked so hard to build can be sustainable and genuinely create Generational Wealth.
I look forward to building with you!

So Let's Cover How We Can Serve You ONE More Time!
We action suggest you go in order of Option 1, 2 and then 3. That allows you the opportunity to get your mind organized with the book, and then take the workshop to understand your current processes. Then we are able to take all of the information to create your custom Operational Systems for you!